Class Descriptions
This introductory level Reiki workshop will help you to connect to your higher self, and give you the opportunity to learn techniques to heal and change energetic frequencies within yourself, others, and how you can use Reiki in all areas of life. No experience is necessary for Reiki 1.
Students will learn grounding and meditation techniques and be given plenty of time to practice Reiki. Students will learn how to use Reiki on themselves to balance energy and emotions. Students learn hands-on techniques and how to give Reiki to others, nature, animals, and more. Reiki is primarily a self- healing tool and can be used as a path to personal spiritual connection. There is no affiliation to any religion, but can help individuals feel deeply connected to their higher self, intuition, and innate psychic abilities.
Investment: $295 includes class books and materials
$95 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
USUI HOLY FIRE® Reiki Level 1
Upcoming Classes
The Reiki level 2 course deepens your understanding of Reiki, how it works and equips you to start your own practice or increase healing of the self in many ways. Students must have received level one attunement/placement prior to taking this course. You will learn and memorize the sacred Usui Reiki symbols, learn how to send distance Reiki, and conduct a professional session. You will receive a Reiki manual, and supplementary guide.
Each person will be guided through practice, meditations, connect deeply with Reiki for personal healing, and connect to higher Guidance. Students will learn how to send distance Reiki, and will be given plenty of time to practice in and out of the class. Each student will be equipped to use Reiki in their personal life, and as a practice, or professional service, if they choose.
Investment: $395 includes class books and materials
$95 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
USUI HOLY FIRE® Reiki Level 2
Upcoming Classes
USUI HOLY FIRE® Reiki Level 3
Advanced Practitioner Training
This course is designed for the level 2 Reiki practitioner who is ready to upgrade their Reiki energy to the next level, and wants to connect to higher consciousness in new ways. Students must have taken Reiki 2 within 3 months prior to the class. Each student will understand more deeply the transformation that the planet is undergoing, and will be given new Reiki healing tools and skills to assist the self, human consciousness and the planet during this transition.
For those who wish to pass along Reiki attunements to others, students may continue on to the Master Teacher Training Class, where students receive the 4 Holy Fire® Ingitions. Students may or may not want to take the Master Teacher Training at a later point in time. This class is not required to take prior to the Reiki Master teacher training, but is highly recommended and will provide a deeper understanding and connection to the Reiki energy.
Students of all lineages will learn both Usui and Holy Fire® techniques and master symbols, and receive the Holy Fire® Reiki energy to use in their personal practice. Students will be required to complete practice hours, meditations, and will have access to phone or online meetings with Jane once this course is completed.
Investment: $625 includes books and crystal grid
$125 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
Upcoming Classes
KARUNA REIKI® 1 & 2 Practitioner Training
Karuna Reiki® 1 & 2 are often taught together in a class but sometimes will be taught in two separate classes. All eight Karuna symbols are taught in this system.
Karuna Reiki ® Level 1 will introduce the first 4 Karuna symbols, and students will practice using Karuna Reiki® with sound through chanting, toning, the use of sound bowls and drums, and will help each student develop advanced healing techniques. Each student will receive a healing sound bowl or drum to take home and use in their personal practice. Students must have completed Reiki 3 or higher (of any lineage) prior to the start of this course.
Karuna is a practice that will enhance any healing practice and enhances self-compassion, and brings more love and compassion to all that experience it. The gift of Karuna is a deeper level of healing that is assisting our planet during this time of awakening. Those who choose to take this class will experience deep personal healing and increased compassion towards all. Using it in your healing practice will assist your in your ability be very focused on how you direct Reiki through the use of the symbols, and provide deep healing for the highest good of the recipient.
Karuna Reiki® 2 will introduce the second 4 Karuna symbols. This class will use sound, through chanting and toning, and explore different ways to use sound while greatly enhancing the Reiki energy. Students must have completed Karuna Reiki® 1 Practitioner prior to the start of this course.
Karuna is an energy that will bring deep self-compassion, and deeper levels of healing as each person connects to their divine nature and true, authentic self.. The gift of Karuna is a deeper level of healing that is assisting our planet during this time of awakening. The 4 Karuna Reiki® two symbols will add another layer of depth, understanding as each student connects to Universal Compassion, Universal Love, and Universal Truth.
Investment: $445 includes books and sound healing instrument
$145 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
USUI HOLY FIRE® Reiki Master Teacher Training
Open to students who have taken a Reiki 2 class of any Reiki lineage at least 6 months prior to the training or have taken the Advanced Practitioner Training/Reiki 3.
This class greatly enhances the Reiki healing energy and connect each student more deeply to the self, increasing personal healing, and assist in personal healing practice. Many students take this class who do not want to teach, but wish to receive the 4 Holy Fire Ignitions and receive the powerful energetic upgrade. Students who take this course will enhance their skills and gain new knowledge and deeper understanding of the Holy Fire® Reiki system.
This training will give each student advanced healing skills, including the master symbol and the Holy Fire® symbol, to use with clients or the self, and will equip you with the knowledge to teach Reiki, or give Holy Fire® Reiki placements if you choose. In this training, students will receive the initiations that will allow you to give Placements, which are Ignition like experiences for Reiki I&II and ART (Advanced Reiki Training), and are done instead of traditional Usui attunements. This makes teaching all levels of Reiki much easier.
Students will review and deepen their understanding of the history and practices of Usui Reiki and how the Usui Holy Fire® system evolved to assist humanity in its evolution. All of the Holy Fire® meditations will be discussed and practiced, and students will learn a basic method of creating a crystal grid empowered by Holy Fire® Reiki. The Holy Fire® III Placement system provides a more effective level of Reiki for the student and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy. Students will learn advanced healing techniques, how to conduct meditations, and lead classes, and will also learn advanced meditation practices. Students will receive a Advanced Reiki Training/Master Teacher Training manual and journal.
Investment: $1,295 includes books and crystal grid
$395 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
Upcoming Classes
Learn to teach and use Karuna Reiki® in this Master Teacher training. Karuna will teach you to use sound with Reiki and connect you more deeply to the earth and send healing through the earth’s grids. This workshop is open to Reiki master teachers of all lineages. Students of lineages outside of Holy Fire® will be attuned to this energy. Karuna is a practice that will enhance any healing practice. It enhances self-compassion, and brings more love and understanding to all that experience it. The gift of Karuna is a deeper level of healing that is assisting our planet during this time of awakening. Those who choose to take this class will experience deep personal healing and increased compassion towards all. Using it in your healing practice will assist your in your ability be very focused on how you direct Reiki through the use of the symbols, and provide deep healing for the highest good of the recipient.
Karuna Reiki® is a powerful healing tool that uses 8 sacred symbols and the power of sound. This class is available to Reiki Masters who have been certified for at least 6-12 months. Karuna means “compassionate action accompanied by wisdom” in Sanskrit. Karuna, or compassionate Reiki training introduces uses of the symbols through drawing, chanting and toning. Students who wish to take a Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher class will be able to teach all levels of Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® after this training.
Investment: $1,395 includes books and crystal grid
$395 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
Learn about the training beginning October 17th, 2024
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Crystal Healing level 1
Connect and communicate with the consciousness of the crystals with more intention! This introductory class will include the Crystal Healing Level 1 attunement and the crystal Lemurian symbols channeled by Laurelle Shanti Gaia.
This class will help you to:
• Understand the properties of the stones used in Crystal Healing 1
• Learn how to create healing grids to balance and activate the chakras
• Learn to cleanse the aura and etheric fields
• Balance the mental and emotional bodies
• Practice the art of to creating meaningful healing intentions
Students who have studied Reiki or other healing arts classes may find this class beneficial and will be able to bring their knowledge and skill to this class.
Investment: $677 includes crystals and class manual
$177 non-refundable deposit due at registration to count towards total cost of class
future Classes TBA
Crystal Healing level 2
Students will learn meditations and to conduct healing sessions combining skills learned in both level 1 and the level 2 class.
This class will help you to:
• Understand the properties of the stones used in Crystal Reiki Healing 2
• Learn how to create healing grids to transform fear, anger and guilt
• Learn to use a vogel wand for empowered healing and energy removal
• Learn a self activating meditation in a personal healing grid layout
• Deepen the practice of creating meaningful intentions
Investment: $888 ~price includes crystal healing kit and manual
*$222 non-refundable deposit due at time of registration to count towards total cost of class—If needed, set up an easy payment plan when registering.
future Classes TBA
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