Oh, How We Grow

Somewhere in my early 20’s I developed a deep inner knowing that life’s challenges are just opportunities for growth. There was an accident? Opportunity for growth. If I got sick, or someone rubbed me the wrong way, I would ask myself: “What is this showing me? What lesson am I learning?”

I developed this view from diving into my personal healing…reading books, counseling, talking to trusted friends and healers, and in my spiritual practice, asking for higher guidance.

I knew it annoyed the heck out of my son when experiencing something difficult, and I would say something to the effect of: “What is the opportunity for growth here?” But deep in my core, I believe that Earth is a school of learning. I believe we came to grow and evolve, to gain higher awareness and explore who we really are.

From this vantage point, life has meaning, and there are no “accidents”.

Yet to embrace this philosophy means that one must embrace full responsibility for ALL of the thoughts, feelings and choices made in life. This isn’t always easy. Many of us weren’t taught to take responsibility for our thoughts and feelings. It can be very convenient to cast blame for anger, sadness or frustration. It can feel easier to point the finger instead of going inward and exploring our emotions, and the root causes of those emotions.

This can make our lessons challenging. Yet, if everything was easy in life, wouldn’t we be bored to tears?

I know that I was always “in training” to do what I do now. All of the hardships and challenges were (and still are!) preparing me to help my clients and students in deep and meaningful ways.

Because of my experiences, I’m able to relate and connect with compassion to those who seek me out. This is only because I allow myself to see the gifts and lessons in what life presents me with, and ask for help along the way when I need it.

All of the difficult circumstances I face and have faced in life I recognize to be my greatest gifts. Sometimes I greatly resist the lessons. Other times it’s easier for me to face them head on, but I’ve learned enough to know that I will have to face them one day, one way or another.

When you’ve faced difficulties have you been able to see the opportunity for growth within that challenge? Sometimes we see the lesson right away, sometimes the meaning of the lesson comes weeks, months, or even years later.

But within all the hard stuff, another strong belief I hold is that we are NOT meant to go it alone. We are meant to seek out support so that we can learn and grow together. Sometimes that support finds us before we even ask, but sometimes the lesson to learn is simply about asking for help.

Asking for help or learning new ways to process difficulties in life can feel really hard or scary. But it’s one of the bravest things we can do. Whether its friend, family member or a professional, taking that first step and saying “I need help” can sometimes be the hardest part when deciding we want to create change in our lives.

But once we ask for help, we invite a new wave of energy and support to flow towards us, which can give us strength as we move through the challenges in life. This allows us to find the gifts and blessings that await us on the other side of the lesson.


the Scariest Thing


slowly….into each season